109 Results
The IADI and IFSB jointly issue new guidance in the form of Core Principles for Effective Islamic Deposit Insurance Systems (CPIDIS)
The CPIDIS aim to provide guidance in the form of a set of core principles for the development and implementation of effective Islamic deposit insurance systems (IDIS), taking into consideration the c...
Joint International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), and Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) Webinar on the Core Principles for Effective Islamic Deposit Insurance Systems
The International Association of Deposit Insurers, the Islamic Financial Services Board and the Arab Monetary Fund hosted a joint webinar on the Core Principles for Effective Islamic Deposit Insurance...
IADI Regional Research Paper – “Contingency Plan Testing in North America”
This paper by IADI’s Regional Committee of North America (RCNA) presents the results of a research project undertaken by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) on behalf of the RCNA. I...
IADI Policy Note – “Effective Reimbursement Systems and Processes”
The Note was prepared by the IADI Research Unit and summarises responses received from IADI Members across 31 jurisdictions to the Survey on Effective Reimbursement Systems and Processes.The paper see...
International Association of Deposit Insurers hosts 6th Biennial Research Conference “Navigating the New Normal for Financial Stability, Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution”
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) hosted its 6th Biennial Research Conference from 10-12 May 2021 at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. The conf...
2021 IADI Chart Pack
This new product offers a snapshot of the key characteristics of deposit insurance systems from around the world.Topics include deposit insurer structure, coverage and funding, reimbursement and resol...
IADI Survey Brief No. 1 – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Deposit Insurance (follow-up)
The Survey Brief offers key insights acquired through the IADI Follow-up Survey on COVID-19 Implications for Deposit Insurers, conducted in January 2021.
IADI Policy Brief No. 2 – “The Geographic Dynamics of Deposit Insurance”
This Policy Brief investigates the associations between the features of deposit insurance systems and geography.The results highlight considerations for deposit insurance research, training and more t...
2021 sessions of FDIC Virtual 101: An Introduction to Deposit Insurance, Bank Supervision, and Resolutions
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is soliciting applications for the 2021 sessions of FDIC Virtual 101: An Introduction to Deposit Insurance, Bank Supervision, and Resolutions.
International Association of Deposit Insurers Call for IADI Sponsored Paper Proposals
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) invites paper proposals from academics, researchers, and research staff of international organisations on deposit insurance and related topics...