Transitioning from a Blanket Guarantee or Extended Coverage to a Limited Coverage SystemResearch Papers01 March 2012Read more
Financial Stability Board: Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems – Peer Review ReportOther Papers01 February 2012Read more
Evaluation of the Deposit Insurance Fund Sufficiency on the Basis of RiskResearch Papers01 November 2011Read more
Funding Mechanisms of Deposit Insurance Systems in the Asia-Pacific RegionResearch Papers01 July 2011Read more
Cross Border Deposit Insurance Issues Raised by the Global Financial CrisisResearch Papers01 March 2011Read more
IMF and IADI Joint Report: Update on Unwinding Temporary Deposit Insurance ArrangementsResearch Papers01 June 2010Read more
The Effect of DIS on Banking Sector Development: The Example of Kazakhstan, Russia and UkraineResearch Papers01 January 2009Read more