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Annual Technical Assistance Providers Call 2023

The IADI Secretariat Training and Capacity Building Unit (TCBU) is looking for technical assistance provided by IADI Members, Partners, and Associates willing to participate in the TAF. If your organization is planning technical assistance initiatives in the upcoming year, we invite you to share the following information with IADI:

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IADI Research Webinar No. 7 – Who Will Run Their Bank?

We are pleased to announce the seventh IADI Research Webinar to be presented by Edwin Weinstein (The Brondesbury Group) and Gulnur Muradoglu (Queen Mary University of London). The webinar is titled Who Will Run Their Bank? and seeks to identify how trust, awareness, household economics and demographic factors affect the nature and the number of people who…

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IADI Thematic Review of Core Principles (CP) on External Relations

Following the first-round in this thematic review, IADI is running the second-round thematic review on external relations. It covers Core Principle 4 (Relationships with Other Safety-Net Participants), Core Principle 5 (Cross-border Issues), Core Principle 6 (Contingency Planning and Crisis Management), and Core Principle 12 (Dealing with Parties at Fault in a Bank Failure).

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