Ways to Resolve a Financial Cooperative while Keeping the Cooperative StructureFinCoop Briefs, Guidance Papers01 December 2021Read more
Ways to Resolve a Financial Cooperative while Keeping the Cooperative Structure – French versionGuidance Papers01 December 2021Read more
Risk Management and Internal Control System of Deposit InsurersGuidance Papers01 November 2020Read more
Deposit Insurers’ Role in Contingency Planning and System-wide Crisis Preparedness and ManagementGuidance Papers01 May 2019Read more
Enhanced Guidance for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems: Ex Ante FundingGuidance Papers01 June 2015Read more
Enhanced Guidance for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems: Multiple Deposit Insurance OrganizationsGuidance Papers01 June 2015Read more
Dealing with Parties at Fault in a Bank Failure and Fraud in Deposit InsuranceGuidance Papers01 March 2015Read more
General Guidance on Early Detection and Timely Intervention for Deposit Insurance SystemsGuidance Papers01 June 2013Read more
Enhanced Guidance for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems: Mitigating Moral HazardGuidance Papers01 May 2013Read more