Work priorities

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IADI focuses on strengthening global financial stability by promoting effective deposit insurance systems. Each year, IADI’s work priorities address emerging challenges, while maintaining a strategic, multi-year approach.

IADI operates under a five-year strategic plan, with key priorities reviewed and updated annually by the Executive Council (EXCO) to ensure continued relevance in the face of global financial developments. This process allows for flexibility in responding to new challenges while remaining committed to long-term objectives.

The IADI 2025 Work Priorities align with the IADI Strategic Goals and Objectives 2022-2026. They remain subject to adjustment considering external events and resource implications and build on ongoing initiatives taken forward within IADI’s Council Committees.

The key priorities for IADI in 2024 are informed by the report published in December 2023 on the 2023 banking turmoil and the potential implications and emerging policy issues for deposit insurers as well as by the IADI Strategic Goals and Objectives 2022-2026.