Regional Committees

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Regional Committees have been created to reflect regional interests and common issues through the sharing and exchange of information and ideas. The Regional Committees perform such functions in a manner to further the Objectives of IADI and act in the best interests of the Association. The Chairpersons of the Regional Committees are responsible for recommending or proposing action to the Executive Council and communicating plans and activities and reporting on their activities at each meeting of the Executive Council to ensure focus and transparency.

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
Olima OyetJulia ClareChairpersonDeposit Protection Fund of UgandaChief Executive OfficerUganda
HassanBelloVice ChairpersonNigeria Deposit Insurance CorporationManaging Director/Chief Executive OfficerNigeria
AddisonErnest Bank of GhanaGovernorGhana
AnomaPatriciaWest African Monetary Union Deposit Insurance Fund Managing DirectorWest African Monetary Union
ChepkwonyHellenKenya Deposit Insurance CorporationChief Executive OfficerKenya
ChigumulaChitaniDeposit Insurance Corporation of MalawiDirector GeneralMalawi
Esua-MensahPearlGhana Deposit Protection Corporation (GDPC)Chief Executive OfficerGhana
KhattecheJaafarBanking Deposits Guarantee FundGeneral ManagerTunisia
KihwiliIsack NikodemDeposit Insurance Board of TanzaniaDirectorTanzania
MahraouiMohamedSociété Marocaine de Gestion des Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts BancairesHead of Studies, Intervention and Banking ResolutionMorocco
MbabazizeRobertBank of UgandaDirector, Financial Stability DepartmentUganda
MnisiPhilCentral Bank of EswatiniGovernor
MohamedSabihahThe Corporation for Deposit InsuranceChief Executive OfficerSouth Africa
NakuseraFloretteNamibia Deposit Guarantee AuthorityHeadNamibia
Ngenzi MusengimanaOlivierDeposit Guarantee Fund of RwandaHeadRwanda
OliveiraAnaFundo de Garantia de DepósitosChairwomanAngola
SeegolamHarvesh KumarBank of MauritiusGovernorMauritius
SenatlaLesediBank of BotswanaDirector, Research and Financial Stability DepartmentBotswana
ZinyauHopewellDeposit Protection CorporationChief Executive OfficerZimbabwe

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
MitsuiHidenoriChairpersonDeposit Insurance Corporation of JapanGovernorJapan
AbdullahAfizaVice ChairpersonMalaysia Deposit Insurance CorporationExecutive Vice PresidentMalaysia
AbbosovNodirFund of Guarantee Citizens' Deposits in Banks of the Republic of UzbekistanDirectorUzbekistan
AbdullahRafiz AzuanMalaysia Deposit Insurance CorporationChief Executive OfficerMalaysia
AkmalMuhammadDeposit Protection Corporation (DPC Pakistan)Managing DirectorPakistan
Ampornpisit MahatanaDeposit Protection AgencyPresidentThailand
BukuevKadyrbekDeposit Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz RepublicExecutive DirectorKyrgyz Republic
ChenDonaldHong Kong Deposit Protection BoardChief Executive OfficerHong Kong
ChowdhuryArnab KumarDeposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee CorporationExecutive DirectorIndia
FanYvonneCentral Deposit Insurance CorporationExecutive Vice PresidentChinese Taipei
FonacierChuchi G.Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Philippines
GoswaniMangalThe SEACEN CentreExecutive Director
KamnanEmNational Bank of Cambodia Cambodia
MahonyPatAustralian Prudential Regulation AuthorityGeneral Manager, ResolutionAustralia
NewnhamRobinAlliance for Financial Inclusion 
PhamBao LamDeposit Insurance of VietnamChairman of Board of DirectorsVietnam
PiriyevTuralAzerbaijan Deposit Insurance FundExecutive DirectorAzerbaijan
RahmanHabiburBangladesh BankDeputy GovernorBangladesh
SadewaPurbaya YudhiIndonesia Deposit Insurance CorporationChairmanIndonesia
SonobeTetsushiAsian Development Bank InstituteDean
SukhbaatarBaatarsurenDeposit Insurance Corporation of MongoliaChief Executive OfficerMongolia
TanChi HongBrunei Darussalam Deposit Protection CorporationSenior ManagerBrunei Darussalam
TanRobertoPhilippine Deposit Insurance CorporationPresidentPhilippines
TanAndrewMonetary Authority of SingaporeExecutive Director (Prudential Policy Department)
UtembayevAdilKazakhstan Deposit Insurance FundChairmanKazakhstan
YooJaeHoonKorea Deposit Insurance CorporationChairman and PresidentKorea

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
Williams-DunkleyEloiseChairpersonJamaica Deposit Insurance CorporationChief Monitoring and Resolution OfficerJamaica
Eleuthere-Jn MarieCaroleBarbados Deposit Insurance CorporationChief Executive OfficerBarbados
FrettJeremiah A.Virgin Islands Deposit Insurance Corporation (VIDIC)Acting Financial SecretaryVirgin Islands
GrantA. JoyCentral Bank of BelizeGovernorBelize
Rolingson-PierreMichelleDeposit Insurance Corporation Trinidad and TobagoGeneral ManagerTrinidad & Tobago
RolleKaren V.Deposit Insurance Corporation, Central Bank of the BahamasManager of the Bank Supervision Department

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
PalliniAlfredoChairpersonInterbank Deposit Protection FundDirector GeneralItaly
CadelanoMichelVice ChairpersonFonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de RésolutionMember of the Executive BoardFrance
Bilai OlgaDeposit Guarantee FundManaging DirectorUkraine
BiltoftKarstenFinansiel StabilitetFinansiel StabilitetDenmark
BoeglMartinCompensation Scheme of German Private Banks (EdB) Managing DirectorGermany
ButtigiegChristianDepositor Compensation SchemeHead of ResolutionMalta
dos SantosLuís MáximoFundo de Garantia de DepósitosChairmanAngola
ElshaniArijetaDeposit Insurance Fund of KosovoManaging DirectorKosovo
EminiBehar Deposit Insurance FundActing DirectorNorth Macedonia
FernándezJosé MaríaFondo de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito (FGD)Director of International Affairs and PolicySpain
FreyGregorEsisuisseChief Executive OfficerSwitzerland
HrebacMarijaCroatian Deposit Insurance AgencyChief Executive OfficerCroatia
JahangirovAkshinAzerbaijan Deposit Insurance FundDeputy Executive DirectorAzerbaijan
KadlecováRenataFinancial Market Guarantee SystemChairperson of the Management Board and Managing DirectorCzech Republic
KarageorgiGeorgiaTEKE (Hellenic Deposit and Investment Guarantee Fund)DirectorGreece
KarakaşFatin RüştüSavings Deposit Insurance FundChairman and PresidentTürkiye
KómárAndrásNational Deposit Insurance Fund of HungaryManaging DirectorHungary
KristjánssonBrynjarThe Icelandic Financial Institutions’ Guarantee FundManaging DirectorIceland
MamaniGenciAlbanian Deposit Insurance AgencyGeneral DirectorAlbania
MatevMateyBulgarian Deposit Insurance FundChairman of the Management BoardBulgaria
MyklebustSonja Lill FløThe Norwegian Banks’ Guarantee FundDirectorNorway
PallantJonathanFinancial Services Compensation SchemeHead of Stakeholder and Public AffairsUnited Kingdom
Pantelić LjubicaDeposit Insurance Agency of SerbiaMember of the Executive BoardSerbia
PerssonHelenaSwedish National Debt OfficeDeposit Guarantee ManagerSweden
ŠoljićKrešimirDeposit Insurance AgencyDirectorBosnia and Herzegovina
Szczęsny MaciejBank Guarantee FundPresidentPoland
ToduaLevanDeposit Insurance AgencyHeadGeorgia
TulinPetreBank Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGDB)Chief Executive OfficerAlgeria
UtembayevAdilKazakhstan Deposit Insurance FundChairmanKazakhstan
VlahovićVojinDeposit Protection Fund of MontenegroDirector General Montenegro
WestdropArletteDe Nederlandsche BankPolicy Coordinator Deposit InsuranceNetherlands
WeuroJaakkoDeposit Guarantee Fund of FinlandDirector GeneralFinland
ZettlerHilmarThe Association of German Banks Managing DirectorGermany

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
SukhbaatarBaatarsurenChairpersonDeposit Insurance Corporation of MongoliaChief Executive OfficerMongolia
BukuevKadyrbekVice ChairpersonDeposit Protection Agency of the Kyrgyz RepublicExecutive DirectorKyrgyz Republic
AbbosovNodirFund of Guarantee Citizens' Deposits in Banks of the Republic of UzbekistanDirectorUzbekistan
GafurovAsadullo AbdushukurovichDeposit Guarantee Fund of TajikistanChairman
HarutyunyanHermineArmenian Deposit Guarantee FundDirectorArmenia
KarakaşFatin RüştüSavings Deposit Insurance FundChairman and PresidentTürkiye
LehaSviatlanaAgency of Deposit Compensation of the Republic of BelarusActing Director General
PiriyevTuralAzerbaijan Deposit Insurance FundExecutive DirectorAzerbaijan
ToduaLevanDeposit Insurance AgencyHeadGeorgia
UtembayevAdilKazakhstan Deposit Insurance FundChairmanKazakhstan

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
LimaDanielChairpersonFundo Garantidor de CréditosChief Executive OfficerBrazil
Lagos CamargoJulianaVice ChairpersonFondo de Garantías de Instituciones FinancierasManaging Director Colombia
AltamiranoÁlvaro J. Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos de las Instituciones FinancierasPresidentNicaragua
Cáceres DávilaJorge VinicioBanco de Guatemala como Administrador del Fondo para la Protección del AhorroGeneral ManagerGuatemala
Canizales SolanoCarlos ErnestoFondo de Seguro de Depósitos (FOSEDE)Proprietary Director of the Administrative BoardHonduras
CarronMaria FernandaFondo de Garantía de DepósitosBoard MemberParaguay
de Medeiros RolimCarlosFundo Garantidor do Cooperativismo de Crédito (FGCoop)Director of Monitoring and SupervisionBrazil
DominioniDanielCorporación de Protección del Ahorro BancarioPresidentUruguay
FernándezJosé MaríaFondo de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito (FGD)Director of International Affairs and PolicySpain
Grueso RodriguezMaria ElenaFondo de Garantías de Entidades CooperativasManaging DirectorColombia
LimonGabrielInstituto para la Protección al Ahorro BancarioExecutive Secretary
LópezAlejandroSeguro de Depósitos Sociedad AnónimaChief Executive OfficerArgentina
PoggiJavierFondo de Seguro de DepositosPresidentPeru
Salazar TorresRaquelCorporación del Seguro de DepósitosGeneral ManagerEcuador
VelasquezFrancisco ArturoInstituto de Garantía de DepósitosChairmanEl Salvador

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
MahraouiMohamedChairpersonSociété Marocaine de Gestion des Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts BancairesHead of Studies, Intervention and Banking ResolutionMorocco
HawashLoayVice ChairpersonPalestine Deposit Insurance CorporationGeneral ManagerPalestine
Abi HabibKhaterNational Institute for Guarantee of DepositsChairman & General ManagerLebanon
AkramiAbolfaziIran Deposit Guarantee FundChief Executive Officer
Al AsmiAli Bank Deposits Insurance SchemeActing General Manager - Financial AffairsOman
al-HajjajWaleedIraqi Company for Deposit InsuranceChief Executive OfficerIraq
AlobaidSalmanSaudi Central Bank- Depositors Protection FundSecretary of the Depositors Protection FundSaudi Arabia
BarbourMu’taz Jordan Deposit Insurance CorporationDirector GeneralJordan
ElamariMohamed MostafaDepositor's Insurance Fund of LibyaGeneral Manager
FattouhWissamUnion of Arab BanksSecretary General
KarakaşFatin RüştüSavings Deposit Insurance FundChairman and PresidentTürkiye
KhattacheJaafarBanking Deposits Guarantee FundGeneral ManagerTunisia
MeftahSebhiBank Deposit Guarantee Fund of AlgeriaGeneral ManagerAlgeria
Mohamed SalehMohamed HanchiDeposit Guarantee Fund of MauritaniaCo-Chair Management CommitteeMauritania
ObeidRamiArab Monetary Fund 
ZahouiHibaBank Al MaghribHead of Banking Supervision DepartmentMorocco

Last Name First Name Committee Title Organisation Job Title Jurisdiction
DéryPatrickChairpersonAutorité des marchés financiers (Québec)Superintendent, Financial InstitutionsCanada
WalkerChristaVice ChairpersonCanada Deposit Insurance CorporationChief Legal OfficerCanada
HansonMichael C.Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation (MSIC)President and Chief Executive OfficerUnited States of America, Massachusetts
LimonGabrielInstituto para la Protección al Ahorro BancarioExecutive Secretary
MurtonArthur JFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationDeputy to the Chairman for Financial StabilityUnited States of America
PrlicAntoniaCredit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of British ColumbiaDirectorCanada, British Columbia
RastanMehrdadFinancial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)Executive Vice President, Credit Union and Insurance PrudentialCanada, Ontario
RichardsonAlanBermuda Deposit Insurance CorporationCEOBermuda