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IADI is established as an association under Swiss law and governed by the Statutes of the international Association of Deposit Insurers and By-laws.

The General Assembly is the supreme authority of IADI. Each member is represented by a Designated Representative on the General Assembly.

The Executive Council acts in all matters to ensure the sound functioning of IADI.  Members of the Executive Council must comply with IADI’s Code of Conduct.It has established five Council Committees. Much of IADI’s work carried out through the Council Committees and their Technical Committees and working groups supported by the Secretariat. Council Committees are chaired by Councilmembers and all Councilmembers serve on at least one of the Council Committees.

Regional Committees serve as fora in which members of the IADI regions discuss topics of special interest to the region and have been for Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and North America.